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Rhinoceros sondaicus

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Rhinoceros sondaicus
specie de Rhinoceros[*]
stato de conservation: in periculo critic
Identificatores e ligamines
ID NCBI: 102233
ID EOL: 328342
ID ITIS: 625004
ID MSW: 14100067
Commons: Rhinoceros sondaicus

Rhinoceros sondaicus es un taxon.

Nomines[modificar | modificar fonte]

Rhinocerote del Java (Rhinocerote Sunda con plus precise) o Rhinoceros sondaicus

Classification[modificar | modificar fonte]

Rango taxinomic[modificar | modificar fonte]

Supertaxones[modificar | modificar fonte]

Es membro de la familia Rhinocerotidae e uno de cincue variante de rhinocerotes. Ille pertiner a Rhinocerote del India e ha 3.1–3.2 m in longitude e 1.4–1.7 m in alta. Ille corno es cerca 25 cm, minor de altre species de rhinocerote.

Evolution[modificar | modificar fonte]

Comparision de DNA mitochondrial presenta que le ancestores de rhinocerotes modern ha scindate de le ancestores de Equidae 50 milliones anos in passato.[1]

Habitat[modificar | modificar fonte]

Java's Parcon National Ujung Kulon es le casa de multe rhinocerotes del Java.

Le plus optimistic estimate presenta que exista no multe de 100 rhinocerotes del Java in salvage.[2][3]

Le Rhinocerote del Java ha rangiate de le isla de Indonesia, a India e China. Le specie es ora in periculo critic, con due populationes in salvage, e nulle in zoo. Ille es le plus rare mammal grande on terra.[4] Un population de 40–50 vive in Parco National Ujung Kulon super le isla de Java in Indonesia e un minor population, estimate in 2007 a 8, supervive in Parco National Cat Tien in Vietnam.

Ujung Kulon[modificar | modificar fonte]

Le Ujung Kulon peninsula esseva devastate de le eruption de Krakatoa in 1883. Le Rhinocerotes del Java recolonized le peninsula dupo le explosion.[5]

Subtaxones[modificar | modificar fonte]

Galeria[modificar | modificar fonte]

Referentias[modificar | modificar fonte]

  1. Xu, Xiufeng (1996). "The Complete Mitochondrial DNA Sequence of the Greater Indian Rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis, and the Phylogenetic Relationship Among Carnivora, Perissodactyla, and Artiodactyla (+ Cetacea)". Molecular Biology and Evolution 13 (9): 1167–1173. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.molbev.a025681. PMID 8896369. 
  2. Fernando, Prithiviraj (June 2006). "Genetic diversity, phylogeny and conservation of the Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus)". Conservation Genetics 7 (3): 439–448. doi:10.1007/s10592-006-9139-4. 
  3. Derr, Mark (July 11, 2006). "Racing to Know the Rarest of Rhinos, Before It's Too Late", The New York Times. Recuperate le 2007-10-14. 
  4. Dinerstein, Eric (2003). The Return of the Unicorns; The Natural History and Conservation of the Greater One-Horned Rhinoceros. New York: Columbia University Press. ISBN 0-231-08450-1. 
  5. Dursin, Richel (January 16, 2001). "Environment-Indonesia: Javan Rhinoceros Remains At High Risk", Inter Press Service. 

Ligamentes extern[modificar | modificar fonte]